Saturday, April 23, 2011

French Burqa!

When I see a woman in burqa, my whole attention shifts to her eyes. Beautiful, innocent, serene… and it lets a lot to desire. Generally, these women have glowing skin and when they are entirely wrapped in black, that glowing forehead with beautiful eyes seems to be a deadly combination.

But I know burqa isn't an outfit designed for fashion. My society is full of people who follow Holy books and perform traditions; Burqa is just one of them. Now, I haven't read Quran and don't want to talk about Fatwa or Hijab. I just want to say what I feel. We all have rights to wear what we like but I doubt if any woman likes to wear a burqa. History says that women had faced miserable conditions through ages. There was a time, if a man found a woman beautiful, he would simply abduct her. That could be just one of the reasons for the designing of burqa. However, the French have other designs!

France – the country which created 'The Statue of Liberty' values freedom and equality. Liberty and Equality are the best gifts human can have. But can you impose your gifts on anyone? There are things we do not like but we do follow. I have even asked few Muslim girls the reason for wearing burqa. Their replies were “it's our traditional costume and we have to wear it”. Some even felt proud to wear it. Of course some disliked it as they were made to wear it. There's a very thin line between following your tradition and following your wants. Sometimes, it's difficult to understand and prioritize. But what's the fuss with French?

Time is a great healer to all problems but only if it is allowed to. People who firmly hold their religious values don't allow it to happen. So here comes a French government who wants to act on this. Neither I know their motives behind this nor do I want to. I have my own ideas. I feel burqa is a symbol of untrustworthy. The woman who is wearing it in front of a man doesn't trust that man. The costume we wear depicts our thinking, our nature. Burqa doesn't allow this. It takes away freedom of speech and I doubt if any woman wearing burqa can express her views and messages precisely. Some Analysts say that it contributes to a predisposition for hypovitaminosis D, which can lead to rickets or Osteoporosis and may increase the risk of seizures in infants born to affected mothers.

It's a burden and no woman should welcome it.


  1. Its funny you should think that. I love wearing a burqa. It helps me keep a sense of chastity, and in general my friends and I have no problem with it. We have a lot of fun which may not include what you think is fun. The problem probaby comes from your perception which in turn comes from the way you were brought up. I have tried both ways, I am just not comfortable with men ogling me, It is unnecessary attention. To my eyes, most girls in the west love and seek this kind of attention. But I doubt that(my perception) is true.

    1. Hi Kat,
      Thanks for your thought. I really appreciate it.
      My perception on this doesn't come from the way I have been brought up (Indian, who hardly follows western style). But it seems to me your perception does. Don't mind.
      If men are ogling you, then there is something wrong with them, why a woman needs to wear burqa for that? Being a neutral human, I believe no human can be comfortable in that costume and comfort should be priority if not the first one.
